Please Teacher OVA Review (Community Anime Reviews Rescue)

Please Teacher OVA Review
Onegai Teacher OVA

Since the Community Anime Reviews site is all but dead, I’m republishing some of my OG reviews from there. I have corrected obvious spelling errors though. I will add new notes in parenthesis, labeled “ANB  note.”  😅 I won’t count these as part of the “Back to the Vaults” series as I have not rewatched them.

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Community Anime Review of Please Teacher OVA

(ANB note: This series was originally reviewed on 27-Feb-2003.)

Onegai Teacher was a popular series, so it was only natural that they should create a sequel OAV episode. Sadly, there are several weak points that seem to plague OAV’s.

The Story, in Brief

Storywise, our happily married couple are still going, though Kei wonders if they are going in the wrong direction. To complicate matters, Mizuho’s mother and sister pop in for an unexpected visit and mom comes on strong to Kei. Then the sister starts coming on to Kei, getting him to take her out on a date. Finally, Mizuho’s mom takes Kei to a romantic hotel just outside of town (in the country side) for what appears to be her attempt to have sex with him.

Mizuho is determined to put a stop to this and finally manages to track them down. Beaming into the room, she finds herself materialized in the air above a bound Kei on a bed. Falling on him, they then engage in marital relations while Mizuho’s mother and sister look over a script. Apparently, they planned the whole event.

Onegai Teacher

Difficult Review

I didn’t really know how to rate Please Teacher OVA, but if you are a fan of the TV series, you will want to see this. The art (character design) has been changed somewhat dramatically and I did not like it as much as the original. The supporting high school cast is only good for cameo roles.

The series took a serious ecchi turn after Mizuho finally gets with Kei at the hotel. We are shown Kei mounting Mizuho and I’m sorry but that was not called for. But as is typical of OAV’s, the Japanese feel that they have to push the boundaries of good taste and insert lots of fan-service or other ecchi elements. What made Onegai Teacher a good series wasn’t the otaku (nerd) fantasy of scoring with the hot teacher. It was the richness of the characters combined with the serious look at the trials of married life. Seeing Muzho’s mom attempt to seduce Kei was bad enough without seeing him start to bang his wife.

Bottom line:

There are good elements to Please Teacher OVA and fans of the series will want to check it out. However, beware of the ecchi elements that have been forced into the mix as well as the degraded art.

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